This Han Dao we have today is a very refined weapon with perfect fit and finish.
Now let us look at the details. (remove the dao from the scabbard)
Please notice the blade have this shallow groove along the whole length of the blade.
Furthermore, there is a subtle inward curve in the blade (characteristics of authentic Han Dao)
Next we show the “Thick Spine Sharp Edge” feature.
Note that the blade have a triangular cross section.
The blade smith use a very special slant hammer, to hammer out
the slant slope from the spine down to the edge, forming the famous "Thick Spine Sharp Edge"
Look at the brass fitting on top of the blade. We can see through and find the 2 slices of wood, one on each side of the tang, sandwiching the tang (this is how authentic Han Dao construct the handle. Full tang sandwich by 2 slices of wood and wrap with cord)
And in one angle, we can see through the brass fitting to see the subtle transition between the blade and the tang.
The handle felt so comfortable in the hand. And the handling of the Dao is agile, responsive and swift (slashing the Dao around a bit)
The fit and finish of the scabbard is very tight.
(turn the Dao upside down and shake to show the Dao did not slide off the scabbard)
When you hold this Dao, you got the great feeling in your hand that you do not want to put it down.
The scabbard is also customized for the triangular blade.
The edge side is thin and the Spine side is thick, forming a trapezoid cross section.
The scabbard end brass fitting also have a trapezoid cross section.
This is the handle wrap in silk cord in with a very sophisticated wrapping pattern.
You can see from the Ring end, the 2 piece of handle wood sandwiching the Tang.
The way the handle and the ring is wrap with silk cord is according to authentic ancient samples.
The ring is made of steel, soldered to the tang and blacken by high temperature treatment.
We can see the blade taper toward the end in terms of the Dao spine thickness.
Final view of the Dao to show the tight fit and finishes.
Royal Arsenal Han Dao is an exacting recreation of a 2000 year old discovery from the site of the Royal Armory in Chang An, capital of Han Dynasty.