Post by lamebmx on Feb 5, 2012 4:57:22 GMT
And the japanese had some nice armored clothes!
I am famialiar with sports protection. was looking hocky or lacross gloves actually. A Lot of the padding leaves a lot of open area's where you are more likely to get hit lol. kneepads are great for the knee cap, but bad for the sides of the knees. Though you are a bit off, the plastic needs to transfer the impact over a larger area than the point of contact. Its up to the medium under it to actually absorb the impact. It why helmets all have a plastic shell, same with knee pads etc. And from what I remember of my buddies chest protector, it had poor upper arm coverage (basically rounded the shoulder a bit and stopped, leaving the upper arm fairly exposed) and did not move well. I probably will wind up with a modified helmet, they have really poor neck protection. now some hockey/field hockey chest protection looks like it may be allright, but i gotta check it out.
Lastly DIY armor is 1 option, or an integrated option with conventional safety equipment. Though I will continue the search, I am doubtful I will find a mish mash of purely athletic protection that provides the coverage we're looking for. Hell my sparring partner owns a full face, but barely ever wheres it when we ride bmx. its more dangerous, due to the obstructed vision, than a regular helmet for most riding.
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Post by jhart06 on Feb 5, 2012 15:16:19 GMT
If anyone has patterns or vendors, please do share them! Working so I can't, but I want to make sure we try and include some ready made places, as not everyone can sew or hammer/craft things.
Also, I am in complete ignorance on Chinese outfitting, and barely passingly educated on Japanese. Especially on the Japanese front, clothing links would be useful, as to my understanding is samurai wore armor less and clothes more from Edo period onward.
I've got a couple more links for 'samurai armor' coming, and some vendors for fabric and leather supplies.
Post by johnapsega on Feb 7, 2012 1:37:56 GMT
This is amazing. I have been planning starting a project in armoring. This thread is amazing I love it great information. Ill try and post stuff that I can find and add what I can as I learn the craft. +1 for jhart for starting this great idea. Cant even express for happy I am for this.
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Post by jhart06 on Feb 7, 2012 2:31:36 GMT
Soon as the flu or whatever i've contracted passes, I'll be back to adding more... Still mostly Euro though.. But I have a few links more for the Japanese.
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Post by jhart06 on Feb 9, 2012 17:24:06 GMT
Added two more links on samurai armor, one with detailed walk throughs and how to's on a few specific parts, and one that gives a detailed history and overview of historical Japanese armor, accessories, and the proper way to wear/put on the armor. As well as added the link to the Armour Archive Forums, which are very helpful.
Does anyone have any specific requests for me to look for?
Post by Elheru Aran on Feb 9, 2012 22:51:50 GMT
Can't remember if it came up before but do you have any links for brigandines? I might think about compiling a bunch of these PDF's together into a package and putting them on Mediafire or Rapidshare, something like that... hmm.... anyway, thanks for this thread, man
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Post by jhart06 on Feb 9, 2012 23:00:39 GMT
The spanish de Europa site has a few, as does the Armour Archive. I'll try and hunt down a brigadine specific link though.
Post by ineffableone on Feb 9, 2012 23:37:00 GMT
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Post by jhart06 on Feb 9, 2012 23:45:23 GMT
Thanks for those mate! Will edit them in asap, phone net sucks for that.
Post by johnapsega on Feb 13, 2012 3:22:03 GMT
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Post by jhart06 on Feb 13, 2012 8:31:14 GMT
I'll give 'em a check and catch up/add any new links asap. Been slacking off on that end :/
Post by ineffableone on Mar 24, 2012 19:43:55 GMT
Found this rather interesting How to Make a Gauntlet Armor Tutorial video and thought I would share
Post by ineffableone on May 1, 2012 4:38:19 GMT
Thought I would share a cool chainmail making jig video I came across awhile back ago. Also for chainmail I would suggest checking out highlandchains on youtube www.youtube.com/highlandchains he does some great tutorials using different color shower curtain rod rings that make it really easy to understand the different weaves that you can do with chainmail. He doesn't have a ton of videos but the ones he has do help beginners get a decent understanding.
Post by ineffableone on May 1, 2012 5:05:35 GMT
Another set of chainmail tutorial videos
Pt1 mostly about set up, then the very end starts explaining a fast easy way to weave 4-1 chainmail
Pt2 goes more in depth in how to easy and fast weave 4-1 chainmail
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Post by jhart06 on May 1, 2012 5:08:37 GMT
That setup is similar to my friends int he second video, and he can get a 8" square done, from coil to actual 4-in-1 in about 20 minutes. It's a good style.
Post by ineffableone on May 1, 2012 5:20:09 GMT
Yep most of the hardcore chainmail makers I know use that technique. Though the jig one could be a good one too, if the jig was made bigger. I could see placing the open rings all out in the jig before hand and then loading the thing full of closed rings and then closing the open ones.
Post by ineffableone on May 5, 2012 6:23:44 GMT
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Post by jhart06 on May 5, 2012 6:26:32 GMT
Have some serious karma for that... I need new boots as i'm down to my $70 'emergency pirate boots'. I somehow lost the left boot to BOTH my other pairs.. Go bloody figure, right?
I seriously need to do some updating. Should have some free-time Sunday or Monday to do so.
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Post by jhart06 on Sept 4, 2012 3:26:31 GMT
Well, I am in the process of updating this and adding a ton of stuff from putting together my Danish outfit/resources. To date it's my most ambitious impression, with a full on tent, sea-chest and more in the works, and the majority of it being done by my own hands under supervision of master craftsman in a few local groups.
This has also brought me to realize I am woefully ignorant of japanese armor, tradition, and sources. And just don't have the time to cover or study them... Would another thread with someone else maintaining it be fitting to you guys?
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Post by jhart06 on Sept 7, 2012 7:29:30 GMT
Going to take the silence as a 'yes' to splitting, and will keep all the Japanese stuff in a singular 'dump' category until I or someone else can fix them.
A lot of what is coming up is vendors, ebay, etsy and self owned.. Things like tunic, breeches, leg wraps, phyrgian caps, gambesons, boots and belts(GREAT cheap vendor for these that is super good quality, I am honestly stunned), shields, helmets, etc... Most of it Dark Ages in period/nature, and some of it Crusade era. Hopefully a full update by Sunday. Planned it tonight, but we had what appears to be either a prank fire alarm pull or attempted arson in our apartment building, so not so much.